Collecting Items for Adult Survivors of Domestic Violence
LV is collecting items for the adult survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault at The SAFE Alliance. Join us in providing basic needs, clothing, and household items to assist survivors and their families.
No Place for Abusers in Austin FC
The members of Los Verdes vehemently condemn any form of abuse and maintain that there is no place for abusers in the Austin FC organization, the Austin community, and the soccer community as a whole.
Attempting to quantify or qualify incidents of domestic violence shames victims, which further discourages accurate reporting. Furthermore, domestic violence charges tend to be dropped by the victim for a number of reasons, particularly in situations where the power dynamic in a relationship so overwhelmingly disadvantages the victim.
Based on the information provided to date, Los Verdes does not support Cecilio Domínguez continuing to play for Austin FC. We also demand transparency on the screening process that allowed a player with previous criminal charges of domestic violence to be signed to the team, and on the investigation and conditions that led to his reinstatement. We will continue to hold ourselves and our club accountable as a culture that supports continued community education and refuses to tolerate abuse.
Los miembros de Los Verdes condenan con vehemencia cualquier forma de abuso y sostienen que no hay lugar para los abusadores en la organización de Austin FC, en la comunidad de Austin y la comunidad futbolística en general.
Intentar cuantificar o calificar los incidentes de violencia doméstica avergüenza a las víctimas, lo cual desalienta aún más reportar incidentes de violencia doméstica y/o abuso en una manera precisa. Además, los cargos de violencia doméstica tienden a ser retirados por la víctima por razones múltiples, particularmente en situaciones donde la dinámica del poder del abusador tiene ventaja y pone en suma desventaja a la víctima de una manera abrumadora.
Basados en la información brindada hasta la fecha, Los Verdes no estamos de acuerdo que Cecilio Domínguez continúe jugando para Austin FC. También exigimos transparencia sobre el proceso de selección, que permitió que el equipo fichara a un jugador con cargos penales previos de violencia doméstica, y sobre la investigación y las condiciones que llevaron a su reincorporación al equipo. Continuaremos a responsabilizarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestro club, con una cultura que apoya educación comunitaria continua y que rechace abuso de cualquier tipo.
Donate money
All cash donations will be given to The Safe Alliance. SAFE exists to stop abuse for everyone by serving the survivors of child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence. They are dedicated to ending violence through prevention, advocacy, and comprehensive services for individuals, families, and communities that have been affected by abuse.
Any donation over $20 and using our link will receive a 20% discount code at the Los Verdes merch store.
Image courtesy of The SAFE Alliance.
Drop-off donations
Drop-off locations:
Hopsquad Brewing Co.
Austin Beerworks
Armadillo Den
Central Machine Works
Independence Brewery
Supplies Requested:
Body Towels (we have a lot of hand towels and wash cloths)
Pots and Pans of various sizes
Twin and Queen Sheet Sets
Paper Towels and Toilet Paper (smaller packages are better)
Cleaning Spray/Wipes and Laundry Detergent (smaller packages are better)
Shampoo & Conditioner Sets (including sets for Black/African American Hair) and Detangler Brushes
Baby Lotion
Women’s Underwear (Small and Medium Sizes)
Sneakers for Women and sizes Toddler 9 & 10 and Youth 1-5
Non-Perishable Food Items for Families (Kid-Friendly Cereals, Pancake Mix & Syrup, Soups, Chef Boyardee, Mac & Cheese, Individually Packaged Snacks, Ketchup, etc.)
Send a pic of you dropping off items to information@losverdesatx.org to receive your 20% off LV store discount code.